Jenna Simeonov

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(she/her) Arts writer, pianist, and operatic vocal coach based in Toronto. Co-creator of Schmopera, an online magazine about opera and classical music. Contributor to The Globe & Mail, Opera Canada, Ludwig Van Toronto, and La scena musicale. Host and creator of The Everything Will Be Okay Podcast.
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New York, New York
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Jenna Simeonov

Jenna is an Ontario-based arts writer, voice coach, and general champion of opera singers. She is the creator and editor-in-chief of the opera blog, Schmopera, contributes regularly to The Globe and Mail and Opera Canada magazine, and is the host of The Everything Will Be Okay Podcast. Jenna’s fascination with opera came out of working with real, live opera singers. She’s a pianist with a background in coaching singers, assisting conductors, and collaborative recital performances. She was an Intern Coach with the Canadian Opera Company’s Ensemble Studio Program, an Apprentice Pianist with the Merola Opera Program, and a staff pianist and coach at Oberlin College Conservatory. Jenna’s favourite operas include Peter Grimes, Tristan und Isolde, Written on Skin, Jacqueline, and Anna Nicole. She has yet to see a full live Ring Cycle and that bothers her.