
Jake Goz
(He/Him/His) Mr. Goz is well-versed in both opera, and several styles of musical theater. His wide variety of repertoire spans from Mozart and Donizetti, to the Golden Age of American musicals, to 21st century American opera and contemporary musical theater. https://www.jakegoz.com/
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Jake Goz

Jake Goz is a native of Long Island New York, and is currently located in the New York Metropolitan area. As a crossover artist, his repertoire encompasses many different genres spanning from the time of Mozart to modern American operas and musicals being written today. In the modern world of the performing arts, it seems that many of our disciplines are inching closer and closer together. I only hope to be a part of as much of it as I possibly can be; whether that be in an opera theater, in front of a camera, or on a Broadway stage. So long as it can be shared with as many people as possible.

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