Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos Heredia
Baritone Juan Carlos Heredia was a 2016 1st Prize winner of Operalia, where he was awarded the Don Plácido Domingo Ferrer Prize. Winner of the first Yusif Eyvazov contest for which he sung with the renowned tenor Yusif at the Salle Gaveau in Paris, France in 2019. Current singer for SIAA Foundation in Lichtenstein. With the SIAA Foundation he has sung around the world in places such as Austria, Germany, Rusia, Portugal, Canada, France.
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Juan Carlos Heredia

Baritone Juan Carlos Heredia was a 2016 1st Prize winner of Operalia, where he was awarded the Don Plácido Domingo Ferrer Prize. Winner of the first Yusif Eyvazov contest for which he sung with the renowned tenor Yusif at the Salle Gaveau in Paris, France in 2019. Current singer for SIAA Foundation in Lichtenstein. With the SIAA Foundation he has sung around the world in places such as Austria, Germany, Rusia, Portugal, Canada, France.

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