You are viewing Shaina Martinez’s public profile. To message Shaina, view contact information, professional endorsements, activity, and more, join Stagetime.
You are viewing Shaina Martinez’s public profile. To message Shaina, view contact information, professional endorsements, activity, and more, join Stagetime.
"One could see in the artist's facial expression and hear in her voice how her nobility of character and identification with the other more fortunate woman made this sacrifice possible.
Not only did we thrill to Ms. Martinez' vocal artistry but we were captivated by the depth of her characterization. Who of us has not felt a combination of admiration, identification, and envy of those whose fortunes are far more sanguine than our own.
The vocal artistry was so perfect that it served the character without calling undue attention to itself. This is what we love to see in an opera performance. We think that those who focus on the high notes or other technical aspects are missing the boat. The thrill of opera is in the drama! Do we believe it? Can we identify? Are we moved? Yes, yes, and yes"
"One could see in the artist's facial expression and hear in her voice how her nobility of character and identification with the other more fortunate woman made this sacrifice possible.
Not only did we thrill to Ms. Martinez' vocal artistry but we were captivated by the depth of her characterization. Who of us has not felt a combination of admiration, identification, and envy of those whose fortunes are far more sanguine than our own.
The vocal artistry was so perfect that it served the character without calling undue attention to itself. This is what we love to see in an opera performance. We think that those who focus on the high notes or other technical aspects are missing the boat. The thrill of opera is in the drama! Do we believe it? Can we identify? Are we moved? Yes, yes, and yes"
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