
Amy Owens
(she/her) Amy Owens enjoys a diverse career in concert work, opera, new music, alternative pop, and jazz. She has appeared in venues ranging from the Blues Tent in New Orleans to Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center with renowned orchestras across the United States.
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Amy Owens

Amy Owens kicked off the 2019-2020 season with her Kennedy Center Debut in Carmina Burana with the National Symphony Orchestra, where she was praised for “a perfect combination of purring, sensuous phrasing and pure-toned innocence” (Washington Classical Review). She then created the title role in Sweet Potato Kicks The Sun for Santa Fe Opera’s new initiative “Opera For All Voices” alongside legendary beat-boxer Nicole Paris, and made her house debut at Michigan Opera Theater as Johanna in Sweeney Todd. During the cancelled Spring season of 2020, she co-founded an immersive online education organization called The Collective Conservatory and served as production development manager for Access Opera. Her performing career has taken her to Carnegie Hall, Houston Grand Opera, Utah Symphony/Utah Opera, Omaha Symphony, Wolf Trap Opera, Dallas Opera, On Site Opera, Library of Congress, Lincoln Center, the Blues Tent at the 50th annual New Orleans Jazz Festival, and more. She released two collaborative albums in 2019: a debut album of original music, HAETHOR, which received acclaim in the electronica world, and “Songs of Leonard Bernstein,” including previously unrecorded vocal music. As a budding conductor, she was selected to participate in the Hart Institute for Women Conductors at Dallas Opera and the International Conducting Workshop Festival in Bulgaria. She has received awards from the Sullivan Foundation, the George London Foundation, and the Metropolitan Opera National Council, and is the artistic director for Bel Canto Productions.

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