
Alexandra Smither
(she/her) Firecracker performer and outspoken activist for change in classical music, soprano Alexandra Smither is a creative force to be reckoned with. From the thorniest contemporary scores to the lyricism of Mozart, Ms. Smither brings her consummate artistry and searing intellect to every engagement.
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Alexandra Smither

Described as “particularly impressive” and “silver-voiced” (The Arts Fuse) in her 2019 debut with the Boston Symphony, soprano Alexandra Smither is making a name for herself in the worlds of both old and new music. With a vocal technique described as “beautiful, elegant, and masterfully manipulated” (Schmopera), she was named one of Canadian Broadcasting Co’s 2017 “30 Young Hot Classical Musicians Under 30”. She was the grand prize winner at the 2017 Eckhardt-Gramatée Competition, earning both first prize and the prize for best performance of the commissioned work, Nicole Lizee’s “Malfunctionlieder”. She made her triumphant debut with Houston Grand Opera as Younger Alyce in their production of Tom Cipullo’s Glory Denied, in which she “imbued her solo aria “My Darling Jim” with heartbreaking tenderness” (Texas Classical Review). She returned to Houston Grand Opera in May as Diana in Cruzar la cara de la Luna. Her 2018 New York debut at the Baryshnikov Arts Center of Luciano Berio’s “Sequenza III” called “an extraordinarily adept soprano, one who can shriek, gurgle, cackle, mutter, gesture, and declaim as well as sing beautifully” (The Threepenny Blog). Her 2019 role debut at Susanna in Against the Grain Theatre’s Figaro’s Wedding was met with rave reviews about her “perfect comedic timing and heartwarming sincerity” (Broadway World) and her “silky, light soprano and delightfully fast, stable vibrato” (Mooney on Theatre). Ms. Smither holds Canadian and British passports, as well as an American O1-B visa.

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